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A complete Care Guide on Christmas Cactus Instructions and Requirements to Ensure Maximum Bloom


Why Seasonal Changes in the Watering Schedule are Important?

The wagering requirements of cactus plants are based on environmental conditions and seasonal changes. The best method for irrigating the cactus is given below.

In the outdoor and dry climate, the plant should be irrigated every 2-3 days. Frequent watering is essential during sunny and warm conditions.

In indoor, cool, and humid conditions, the plants should be irrigated every week.

In the winter months and during the fall conditions, the frequency of irrigating the Christmas cactus should be less as fewer irrigation favours blooming. Also Like:  Genetic engineering

Why Irrigation Should be Stopped by the End of October?

Soon, after October hits, there is no need to irrigate the Christmas cactus. However, in November a light watering can be resumed. If the plant is getting dry, then one can place a tray containing moist pebbles near the pot. When the plant starts blooming, the irrigation should be immediately stopped. At this stage, the irrigation should be ceased for about six weeks, so that the plant gets enough time to rest.

Still, growth can be observed at this time and soon after the initiation of new growth watering should be resumed.

Why Observe the Dropping of Buds?

Dropping off the flowering buds of Christmas cactus could be a frustrating thing and it can be caused by the different biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Usually, buds are dropped due to over-irrigation, but it may also be due to a lack of light or humidity. When this is happening the amount and frequency of watering should be reduced and some amount of fertilizers should be added to the pots.

To avoid the dropping of the buds, the pot should be moved away from the vent or hot radiator, and preferably it should be placed in such a way that exposure to the optimum level of light is ensured.

How on Time Blooming Can be Ensured?

The blooming of flowers can be encouraged in the holiday season by lowering the indoor conditions. The key factors for ensuring the maximum flowering are the correct adjustment of temperature, application of proper watering and light exposures.

Due to its thermo-photoperiodic nature, the plant starts setting buds when the day and night length becomes equal and when the temperature is decreased to 50-60-degree Fahrenheit for some weeks. But when the temperature is further decreased then the blooming is stopped. So, exposure of plants to freezing temperatures should be avoided.

The plant should be kept in a dark space at night time, where, it can receive bright but indirect light during the day hours. At night there should be no exposure to any beam of light. For its good blooming an uninterrupted dark period is required and usually, it should be more than 12 hours. In the mid of October, the dark treatments should be started so that the plant can completely bloom by the holiday period. Every night for six to eight weeks the plants should be kept in a dark area. An unused bathroom or closet is the best condition for placing the Christmas cactus.

In this condition, even more, careful watering is required. The frequency and amount of watering should be slightly reduced. After the dry periods, there is no need to soak the soil. Only a few inches of topsoil is ideal to moisten as excessive irrigation can cause the shedding of flowers, buds, and leaves.

At the initiation of the formation of flower buds, an increase in humidity and light is recommended. At the start of budding, the dark ages got over. In this period, normal conditions like a growing period need to be provided. If the bud formation is starting early, then their growth can be stunted by lowering the temperature. After some period, the temperature can be increased to resume bud formation.

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